If you like playing chess online or even more – you are keen on solving chess puzzles and you won’t miss the fun to solve a few of them before going to bed, then you are probably wondering where to find an enormous online chess database with puzzles. Just read the next few lines and you will find exactly what you need.
We present you this ultimate website for playing online chess – ideachess.com. What is extremely impressive about it is the availability of more than 70 000 chess puzzles which you will need a lifetime to solve and which is even cooler if you happen to decide that solving online chess puzzles is your life goal and you manage to solve all of them then don’t despair because every day there are more new and interesting online chess tasks that are added.
Another great advantage of ideachess.com is the scheme according to which the puzzles are presented to you. If you manage to solve a chess task or not, then you win or lose rating. When this happens you get a new task depending on your new chess rating and thus you receive a task according to your level.
For those who want not only to solve chess puzzles but also to get training by playing chess online, there is a special section for end games which is probably one of the best training programmes on the net.
As in every good chess website, here you can also find a very powerful chess programme with which you can play chess online and see how your chess skills are progressing.
And finally, the greatest advantage of this chess website is the fact that it is completely free and as its creators claim, and we have no reason to doubt it – this website for chess online will remain free to the end of time.